Having a strong social support system is paramount to a fulfilling life. However, as you mentioned above, often friends do not tell you what you really need to hear. Instead, they tell you what you want to hear. Friends are encouraging, supportive, funny, kind, and complimentary. These positive qualities are why you remain friends. Unfortunately, friends have difficulty: 1) Being completely honest regarding any flaws or deficits you possess 2) Communicating effectively in potential conflict situations 3) Stating anything that may be perceived as hurtful 4) Challenging you to improve your life and reach your goals 5) Listening without judgement 6) Listening without interrupting 7) Keeping information confidential 8) Scheduling regular time to really listen and connect, especially one-on-one 9) and the list goes on.
If you image your social connections (friends, family, colleagues, church, neighbors) as a puzzle, all of the pieces are valuable to put the puzzle (YOU!) together in order to see the beautiful picture. Your personal therapist is the missing piece to the puzzle. The therapist puzzle piece is essential for healthy, positive, individual growth. Your therapist will 1) Be honest 2) Communicate effectively 3) Be constructive with comments 4) Challenge you 5) Listen 6) Listen more (smile!) 7) Keep your information confidential 8) Meet with you regularly and without interruption 9) and offer many more skills.
Without a good therapist, you are like an incomplete puzzle. Utilizing therapy to grow as an individual, to resolve current and past issues, and to improve interpersonal interactions is an asset whose value cannot be quantified. Ready to complete your puzzle? Contact Bree today.
Bree Winkler, EdS, LPC, CAMS
Counselor in Atlanta, GA.
** Credit: TalkSpace.com Blog