-Denial: “This is not happening to me!”
-Anger: “He/She/God is so mean and hurtful. I hate ___.”
-Bargaining: “If you just let everything be okay/bring this person back to me, I will never sin/lie/cheat/steal/(fill in the blank).”
-Depression: “What is the point of life now?”
-Acceptance: “Life isn’t the same, but I can continue to live and love.”
Now that you know the Grief Stages, you are ready for the Healing Steps!
Therefore, BEFORE you read the next steps (and I KNOW you want to jump ahead), you must complete Step 1.
Forgiveness is for YOU. You are the only one hurting by carrying around a grudge or looking for revenge or holding onto anger. You get to decide to Let Go of the pain’s hold over you. Put is down. Tell it, “You aren’t important to me anymore.” Choose your own, current happiness.
People often share with me their thoughts about forgiveness. They include versions of “I can’t forgive without an apology.” That would be nice, if a reconciliation and/or compromise are possible. However, it is not necessary for you to heal. Think about this powerful quote from an anonymous author: “I never knew how strong I was until I had to forgive someone who wasn’t sorry, to accept an apology that I never received.”
Continue to do more of true living:
- engage in experiences
- laugh
- love
- communicate
- take care of your emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
And, remind yourself (regularly) how it feels to live life to the fullest – it may be despite the lost love or in spite of the lost family member or friend. Either way, you are alive, so… LIVE.