Anxiety is defined as “a state of apprehension” and “distress or uneasiness of mind.”
We need some anxiety -- it shows us what we don’t like or what we desire to have more of. For example, if you are married and fighting with your spouse all the time, anxiety is reminding you to work harder on creating a happy and healthy relationship so you will not continue to feel miserable or lose your spouse. Another example: if you desire to have more money or status at work, anxiety can motivate you to put in more effort, time, and focus to reach your goal.
Anxiety can motivate us to change our current circumstances. This is great!
Without using proper tools to leverage anxiety into productive behaviors and thoughts, anxiety becomes destructive and debilitating.
-- Reoccurring negative thoughts
-- Negative self-talk (self-doubt)
-- Withdraw from healthy hobbies/behaviors
-- Excessive crying
-- Anger
-- Fears – of trying new things, of believing in self, of being productive
-- Depression
-- Self-harm/cutting
-- Eating disorders
-- Reframe negative thoughts to positive thoughts
-- Ask for help – contact Bree today to schedule a counseling session
-- Meditation
-- Make an action plan – and stick to it!
-- Exercise
-- Share feelings and fears
-- Journal
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